This week has been a week of stress and of relief, as well as being totally and completely anxiety ridden to being as happy as anyone could possibly be! :) I'm talking about AP and IB scores, if you couldn't tell. I pretended like I didn't care when I was talking about them with other people but I think I was just in denial. It's fairly possible... haha. Anyways I realized I was not, no way, no how not caring about how I did on these tests. I realized this at about four in the morning on the day our IB test scores came. I pretty much had an anxiety attack in my bed. If you've ever had an anxiety attack, it's not fun to have them in your bed, let alone anywhere. So I tried to go back to sleep, and finally I decided to just get up and sit on my laptop and wait for results to come out. When they did I was extremely happy, because I had gotten my diploma. :) Then yesterday, I went to go check the mail and I teasingly asked my mom if there was any mail for me. My mom was on the phone and she threw my AP scores at me. That induced another anxiety attack. So I opened the scores and proceeded to run around my house being extremely happy, because of my scores! All of this results in my blog post. First of all: Because I obtained my diploma I have 30 free credit hours at SUU.So after being very excited about that I tried to figure out what exactly that meant. At SUU you have general education requirements (obviously) which are made up of different learning areas and some core classes you are REQUIRED to take. That, along with your general ed. classes for your major make up about your first two years. Then your next two years (or four, or eight or sixteen or whatever) you work on your major. Or you decide to forego one major and start all over with your gen ed requirements for a different major. Ha ha. Anyways. I found out that SL credits don't count for my gen education, and one of their core English classes can't have any AP or IB credit applied to it so you can't transfer out. However as I was looking at the website for SUU I realized that I was done with all my general education classes. Except three. The stupid English class, math and a computer literacy class. I also have two one hour classes that are required for the new freshman, which is pretty much my orientation that I go to in the first week of school. So technically I only have three classes to take, before I have to decide my major and start taking pre requisite classes for my major. I think deciding my major would be the best...
So here we are at the end of my blog and to the reason that I'm writing this. What do YOU, the reader of my blog, think that I would be good at in my life for my profession? Any ideas are appreciated because I would love to hear what you think I would be good at, and maybe it will spark some idea for me to suddenly know what I want to be when I'm "grown up". Haha. :)
The End! :)