Thursday, September 3, 2009


I walked in the door of my bedroom today, feeling sad because I have ( as always) a bunch of homework. When suddenly I thought " Hm... I smell roses." An overpowering sent of roses. At first I thought that maybe I had opened lotion or something... and the smell was just perfuming the whole house. Then I turned around and saw...

How pretty are those!? And they smell so good!
Why did I get these here flowers you may ask?
I have no idea. I'm pretty sure I haven't been wronged... or been mad at anybody in particular.
I'm just pretty sure, one of my best guy friends in the whole wide world is probably one of the cutest boys ever. ( And I have a lot of cute friends for boys. So that's saying something. )
He did it... just because.


  1. awww thats so cute :D whitney i has a blogg too :D u could follow it if u like a huge dose of complaining. :DDDDDd
    it b

    -shao-yuin :D

  2. I know!!! He's awesome! :) okay shao yuin! i will follow it! :)

  3. whit, this is so cute! what a lucky girl you are ;)

  4. I know I am! Who else gets flowers? Nobody. Ha.
    Haha just kidding!:)
    But thanks em! :)


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